My experience with entrepreneurship dates back to 2015 when I participated in Ruta IN.
This was a program made to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in young people.
For 3 months, we received workshops related to 3D printing, laser-cut, prototyping, elevator pitch, presentations, brainstorming, among others.
The idea of the program was to design a little prototyping and present it. My team and I built a quick prototype to help deaf people to improve their experience while taking classes.
The system records the voice of the professors and then using speech-to-text services, it generates a real-time document with the notes from the class, so the deaf person can follow the class.
I helped in the next two editions of this program (2016 and 2017) as a tutor and advisor.
During my last year of high school, I obtained a Diplomado en Diseño Industrial y Fabricación Digital (equivalent to Diploma [2-year degree] in Industrial Design and Digital Fabrication), which was a special program for the best students of the class.
They taught us about prototyping and entrepreneurship.
In this program, we have designed our own startup and its model product. In our case, we designed a startup that sells souvenirs with shapes of traditional animals of our region. We considered the idea of using 3D printing to boost the production of these souvenirs.
My latest experience was with MIT delta v, which is an Educational Accelerator at MIT that helps startups to boost their potential and grow. This has been one of my favorite experiences, not only because of all the knowledge that I have acquired, but also because I met amazing people during that summer.
I co-lead the efforts of the transition of Project Us from research to a startup. I have been working as a CTO. I work with international students to develop a minimum viable product that we could offer to investors.
Here is the video of our final presentation in that program.